Reuniting After War

Reuniting After War was founded by Mary Henry and her son, Eric Harder in 2016. In 2015 Mary was able to raise funds for Eric and 22 of his Army brothers, who were deployed and involved in a deadly battle in 2009, to have a 4 day, 3 night reunion. After their cathartic and successful weekend, it was decided that many more units could benefit from a reunion.
In September of 2016 Reuniting After War was established as a 501 (3)(c) organization. Since that time they have hosted 5 reunions that have served over 200 veterans. Reuniting After War arranges and covers the cost for all travel, lodging, and food. Reuniting After War is operated with a volunteer staff and is donation driven.
Veterans benefit greatly as they reconnect with those they have gone to war with. Often veterans do not have time to mourn their fallen while in the theater of war. When they get home they are quickly scattered. Relationships are rebuilt and continue long after the reunion is over.
As one Marine wrote:
"The mystic Minnesota wilderness silenced our demons and reignited relationships, passion, and ambition for accountability. We see and comprehend that our lives are dedicated to the fallen and each day we live for them. That mindset was clouded by so many years of separation. Nothing is better for healing than seeing comrades that share the same traumatic experiences."
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